Last April 5-9, BK ministry of Youth Mobilization(YM) together with 9 youth leaders went to hold a VBS for kids in Kanawan Christian Church. It is located on the top of the mountain in Bataan (4 hour drive from Manila and an hour hike). A week before, the Training Department of YM held a training for youth leaders who will join the VBS. Youth leaders shown excitements as they prepare for VBS. They were all excited as they made crafts for kids, lesson plans, and materials for the entire VBS.
The VBS theme for this year is entitled, “HOME PLANET”. It is about caring for our planet, nature and communities. It is fun to see kids learning how to care for our environment.
I was the host of every session. I love doing it. I love seeing kids enjoying, shouting, singing, dancing and learning from the lessons we prepared. I even lost my voice in the last day. It was painful yet I love do it again and again. I love firing their excitement up and making them ready to sing, dance and listen to bible stories. It was totally fun!
What touching part of the trip in Kanawan is when we had a farewell party in our last night because we will be heading home (Manila) in the morning, both kids in Kanawan and youth leaders are crying while saying goodbyes to each other. That is a big proof that we made big impact in the lives of the kids. We made long lasting impressions, built relationships and communicated a very special message. Kids gave many souvenirs to the youth leaders and wanting to get connected with them as much as possible. The 9 youth leaders we brought there were all blessed. They gave testimonies to church and the church were blessed by their testimony their experience in VBS in Kanawan.
Me. I have great stories to tell but to be honest until now I am still mesmerized by my experience there and I don’t know where can I start telling those great stories. I can let pictures to tell you all of it.
making their ID's before the session starts
youth leaders telling bible story
telling story of Joseph the Dreamer
pledge allegiance to the filipino flag, christian flag and for the bible