Just recently, we moved to a new place which brought much relief for my daughter Micah. She had bad asthma because the place we lived in was crowded and didn’t have good ventilation. Every night she experienced difficulty breathing. We brought her to a doctor and the doctor told us that Micah’s asthma was due to living in such a crowded place. That caused us to pray for a donor who would support us to get a new place for my family. And God provided friends to help us move to a new place.
Our bedroom
Now that we have already moved to our new place, we are seeing good progress to Micah’s asthma. This new place has good ventilation and is not crowded anymore. It has a enough space for us. This place brings good relief for Micah. We hope she will continue to experience relief and show good progress. This new place is a sweet deal.
Our sala
As soon as we moved our things and starting to organize and settle, we remembered God’s faithfulness in our lives through friends who send their support to our family. They are all our encouragement that God will never fail our faith in Him. God truly honors our faith in Him. No matter how hard it is for us to imagine or for our minds to grasp the vastness of God’s provision, He will definitely will make a way to send His provisions. As long as we keep on putting our faith in Him and don’t doubt His plan in our lives, He will never fail to send help and this help will get to us.
our cooking area and toilet
Like what He did to Elijah. God sent food to Elijah through ravens. God also provided food for Elijah through a widow. And in the new testament, Jesus fed five thousand men though two fish and loaves from a young boy. Good thing that the same God who provided for His people in the scriptures is the same God we are serving today. I am happy to see that miracles are still happening in these times.
Even though, friends don’t want their generosity to be recognized, I want to thank God for their lives. I want to give honor to God who sends them to our lives. I know I couldn’t repay their generosity, but at least I could thank them. I can make know to them that I appreciate every help they extend to my family. Truly, having friends who love God is priceless. Their friendship is such a great gift from God.