Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I thank God for my team mates and I am proud of them.

I am proud of my team mates. Even though they don’t have professional cameras, only simple ones, and sometimes capture blurred pictures, but they captured perfect smiles from the people we help. People from poor communities, people who always find ways to smile through their helplessness, not because they’re ignoring the pain but because they have found hope in Jesus. My team is sharing that hope to them. Those smiles are picture perfect, regardless of the quality if the camera.

I am proud of my team mates. Even though they don’t have “must-have” gadgets like iPhones. They are deeply connected to the people we serve. They connect to their hearts and minds in an amazing way. That’s why people welcome them in their homes even when they are homeless. They offer their food even when they don’t have much. That’s how my team mate is connected to people and create such a big impact in their lives.

I am proud of my team mates. Even though they don’t have cars, they arrive in time to be there to help the people, to stand beside the broken, to share hope from God to people and to find ways to cheer them up in their difficult situations. Nothing beats the time we spend with people who need hope. That’s the best time to share Jesus with them. Because they are seeing Jesus every time we help them in difficult times. Even though they don’t have cars, they are there just in time, exactly when people need them.

I am proud of my team mates. They are not well paid, but they share what they have. Jesus and everything He is to them – that’s what they share. Even though they don’t have access to travel, God provides His ways to treat us to travel. Most of the time, their travel costs do not come from their pockets but from treasure in heaven. Even though they are not well paid, they share their resources to the people we are serving. Sometimes, we don’t know how it’s possible for us to travel, to eat in neat restaurants and to experience good treats. The only thing we know and we are sure of is that God provides and will never fail.

Sometimes I’ve been disappointed, seeing people enjoying luxuries in life. They have professional cameras, must-have gadgets, cars and money to travel, but they are not using these advantages to serve people. Even though they have these advantages, they don’t know to connect to people, to help them and bring hope to them. But then I always focus not on what we don’t have but what we have.

There are three things we have.

First, we have Jesus in our hearts. Jesus is what people need in their lives. That’s what we share, why we serve and what we preach. Next is, we have people. People who welcome us in their lives, who we are serving and people who become part of our lives. And last, we have each other. I have my team. Same as me, who experience what I experience. They are humble, serving and loving. They are not desiring luxuries in life but they embrace the simplicity of serving and loving God. That’s why I am proud of my team.

A dream, a bible school.

Do you ever experience a certain excitement in your heart, when you know that something you are doing – it could be a profession, work, study or business, or whatever you are doing – that you could take it to a higher level? There is some kind of a rush inside of you, like you couldn’t sleep unless you either write it down, tell it or share it to all people. That is an absolute thrill!

When God opened my eyes and I saw the need to equip the members of our church, I dreamt to set-up a discipleship program in our church. I called it “Be:E”. Derived from it’s purpose, “Be Enlightened, Be Empowered, Be Equipped”. I couldn’t expect it would be something that people would support so much. But, by the grace of God, this ministry keeps on going and growing. Many people saw great positive results from students who were attending. The fruit of this ministry is truly undeniable. I am thankful how He uses this ministry to develop disciples and help people become deep-rooted followers of Christ.

God keeps on putting oil in my lamp and keeps on pushing me because I know He will reveal doors of opportunity to put this Be:E on a higher level.

My mentor never forgets to encouragement me every time we meet to have a time of mentoring. He always fans the fire in my heart with his words of encouragement and by guiding me on how this can be attained. One question he asked that ignites the passions again is, Wwhy not make Be:E a bible school?” He never knew that was actually my desire ever since I started Be:E. That question is like a confirmation that makes me excited and to plan to set up a bible school. Who would have thought that a small church like ours couldn’t have a bible school. To some people, it might be impossible. But we know, in God nothing is impossible.

I remember the words in the bible, Luke 1:37, “For nothing is impossible with God”. There are a lot of times when we were blinded by the reality. We cannot deny the reality. It will surely hinder us from what God can do in an impossible situation. Most of the time, it will break us, tear us down and make us overwhelmed. That is reality! How can we overcome reality?

I have learned that in times when reality crippled me, I hold on to what God can do and what God says. For when things are getting impossible, He intervenes and lets us experience His power. For He is beyond anything we could ever grasp or imagine. Soon I focused myself to God’s word, the impossibility became a stepping stone for me to get what God has promised. His word became some kind of rush in my heart. A rush, a thrill, and an excitement.

What makes me feel this rush or excitement is that this passion is from God. We will see this thing that will come to pass. He will fulfill what ever He puts in our hearts. I know this bible school is a huge thing for me and for our small church. But we are believing in a huge God.

That is why I couldn’t sleep, and I am excited to see the fulfillment. God will definitely put Be:E to a higher level. I could feel the rush. Let us all be in prayer.