Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pray and never give up

(taken from

One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up.
— Luke 18:1 NLT

To persist in prayer and not give up does not mean endless repetition or painfully long prayer sessions. Always praying means keeping our requests constantly before God as we live for him day by day, believing he will answer.

When we live by faith, we are not to give up. God may delay answering, but his delays always have good reasons. As we persist in prayer we grow in character, faith, and hope.

on a personal note:
the message last sunday in our church is also something to do with praying, having faith, and keep on believing. I learned so much and my heard was truly moved by that message. I heard Pastor Joshua taught this lesson many times in our mentoring time, Youth Mob team meeting and JKKCC meetings but, I dont know, last Sunday, his message about faith truly moved my heart.

Honestly, there are so many prayers in my heart that still waiting to be answered. My faith, even I am old in my relationship with God and I know the Lord for many years, my faith, once in awhile needs to be rekindled. And last Sunday, my faith was rekindled. I have a great opportunity again to lift my prayers to God as I was reminded by the message. I should keep on believing that no matter how small or big our needs, when we pray, we are asking God to display His power, for and with our faith, it will be possible. We should just keep on believing!!

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